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“I'm a review. Click to edit me and add text from a critic who has evaluated you and your work.”

“I'm a review. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your work. Share a bit of critical acclaim and spur some excitement for your latest project.”



A young woman checks into a motel for some rest but she is drawn into the drama happening just four inches away in the adjoining room.


What happens when you find a suitcase full of cash and a dead body on the beach?

What are you willing to do to hang on to the money?

How far will you run to keep it?

And how much will it cost you in the end?


A stalker kidnaps a woman he thinks is rich. He soon learns that not only is she not rich, she's not human.


​A country music superstar is secretly holding young women and girls hostage on his 1,000 acre farm outside Nashville, until one manages to escape, then return to save the others and exact her revenge.

©2022 Troy Hayes

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